Authors are invited to contritute to the 2nd Annual SIAM Central States Section Conference by the following formats.
A mini-symposium consists of one to five sessions. Each session consists of three to four 25-minute presentations. Prospective mini-symposium organizers are asked to invite speakers and submit a proposal consisting of a title, a description (not to exceed 200 words), a list of confirmed speakers, and their contact information at the conference website. A speaker can give up to two different talks for two different mini-symposiums. The deadline for submission is May 31, 2016.
Instructions to submit proposal
Each invited mini-symposium speaker should also submit a talk title and abstract through the following link, with no more than 200 words, between June 1 and July 30, 2016. Without an invitation from a mini-symposium organizer, a potential speaker, who plans to attend this meeting and give a talk, can submit a contributed presentation below or contact the organizing committee chair Xiaoming He at
Instructions to submit mini-symposium talk title & abstract
The organizing committee will review the mini-symposium proposals. Each mini-symposium is limited to five sessions with twenty speakers in total. It is preferred that not most speakers in a mini-symposium come from the same organization. It is recommended that a mini-symposium organizer makes the first presentation.
Deadline for submission is July 30, 2016
Contributed presentations in lecture or poster format are invited in all areas of applied mathematics.
Each contributor (poster or lecture) must submit a title and an abstract (< 200 words). The abstract should be a concise narrative that describes the contributed research presentation. The abstracts should give a clear indication of the objective, scope and results to be reported in the presentation. The deadline for contributed presentation submissions is July 30, 2016.
Important Notice: We appreciate your cooperation with the above process. The requirements outlined in the submission process must be fully met for the contributed presentation to be assigned to a session, presented at the conference or to appear in the final program and proceedings.
February 25, 2016
Abstract submission opens for mini-symposium organizers and contributed presentations (lecture or poster)
May 31, 2016
Mini-symposium proposal deadline for organizers
July 30, 2016
Abstract submission deadline for mini-symposium and contributed presentations (lecture or poster)
August 30, 2016
Early bird conference registration deadline
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