We encourage all participants to register by the deadline. Onsite registration will open at 7 a.m., on Saturday. The specific location will be announced at a later date.
$80 - Early-Bird Registration Fee (before August 30, 2016)
$40 - Early-Bird Student Registration Fee (before August 30, 2016)
$100 - Regular Registration Fee (after August 30, 2016)
$50 - Regular Student Registration Fee (after August 30, 2016)
The conference registration fee includes:
Meals are not included in the registration fees. Meals will be on your own, but all of the conference hotels provide a complimentary breakfast. There are several dining options in the TBA, as well as in and around Little Rock. Please ask any of the conference staff for local recommendations.
All refund requests must be received in writing by email, fax or regular mail.
Before August 30, 2016
$80 - Early-Bird Registration
$40 - Student Registration
After August 30, 2016
$100 - Registration Fee
$50 - Student Registration
Before August 30, 2016
$80 - Early-Bird Registration
$40 - Student Registration
After August 30, 2016
$100 - Registration Fee
$50 - Student Registration
Coordinated by
Distance and Continuing Education | 216 Centennial Hall | 300 West 12th Street | Rolla, MO 65409
dce.mst.edu | dce@mst.edu | 573-341-6222
Missouri University of Science and Technology | 1870 Miner Circle, Rolla, MO 65409 | 573-341-4111 | 1-800-522-0938
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